The table below is adpated from Global Observing Systems Information Center (GOSIC) and climate data store documantation.

Atmosphere variables

Variable Unit Meaning Related patterns
Flow properties      
Temperature K Hot or cold  
Mean sea level pressure/ Surface pressure Pa Pressure NAO;PNA(see sea part)
U/V/vertical wind $m/s$ Convection speed and direction QBO
Energy budget (heat cycle)      
Mean top net long-wave radiation flux/ Outgoing Longwave Radiation $W m^{-2}$ Longwave radiation emitted to outer space. The radiation flux is negative. Energy output?
Mean top net short-wave radiation flux $W m^{-2}$ Incoming solar radiation minus the outgoing solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere Energy input?
Cloud & water content (water cycle)      
Total precipitation m Accumulated liquid and frozen water MJO
Specific humidity kg/kg The mass of water vapour per kilogram of moist air  
Total column water vapour $kg \ m^{-2}$ total amount of water vapour  
Total column water $kg \ m^{-2}$ total amount of water vapour, liquid water, cloud ice, rain and snow in a column  

Land variables

Variable Unit Meaning Related patterns
Water cycle      
Mean evaporation rate $kg \ m^{-2} \ s^{-1}$ Amount of water evaporated from the Earth’s surface into the air  
Vegetation / TBC  
Heat cycle      
Mean evaporation rate $kg \ m^{-2} \ s^{-1}$ Amount of water evaporated from the Earth’s surface into the air  
Temperature / TBC  
Ice/Glaciers / Latent heat, TBC  

Ocean variables

Variable Unit Meaning Related patterns
Sea Surface Temperature k Temperature Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Sea level pressure Pa Pressure North Atlantic Oscillation; Pacific North American Oscillation
Sea Ice / TBC